Friday, August 12, 2011

Hand feeding

It is nice when cows have a disposition such that a 35lb little girl can feed them.  That is "Puff Puff" the bull on the left. While pretty docile we never turn our backs on critters that weight well over half a ton.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Have been doing some set aside ground maintenance, these areas need to be mowed to eliminate rogue trees and weeds. I drove up on this doe at an established wetland, looks like this   area is working. The flora and fauna diversity in this area is amazing, I need to get out the guide book but I know I saw bergamont, blacked eyed Susan, pale cone flower, various sedges, sunflower, many nativegrasses, compass plant and many more.

Owen is a busy guy

Owen stays busy. He has been learning to drive the mule, he just needs a little work on the brakes. Corn and tomato picking have been high on his task list. Trust me he is in the tomato patch if you look close.

Giant rags

These things must die.... It is a full time job trying to keep up.