Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bucket destruction....

I don't recommend leaving a bucket full of water out when the temp. goes to -13° F.........

Rye bag....

Cracked open the ryelage bag this week, no mold. Happy cows in need of some good feed with all this cold weather.

Ground feed.... ground blizzard...

1° F..... finally warm enough to grind feed. We kind of have a perpetual ground blizzard around here if the wind blows over 10 mph. All that white in the background is suspended and blowing snow. I wonder how many thousands of tons of feed have gone through that window into the feed shed?

Silo fill gauge....

We installed this fill gauge so you could see how full the silo is. If you go inside it is an incredible shrinking tube with the extreme cold we have been having as the walls freeze up. Makes us have to climb it every 3 days.

Fun in the snow

Smiles all around here. Though they gave some super model a hard time for taking her kid on an ATV a while back with out helmets. Sometimes a little danger is good for the heart.... but maybe not the skull.

Warmth brought to you by...

A couple hard working kids to haul wood for the fire.

24 hours in iowa

This was taken a little over a month ago. One morning and then the next.